Your Home, Your Solar: Discovering the Ideal Residential PV Systems

To empower you with a comprehensive understanding of solar PV we will delve into the essentials of modern residential solar PV systems. We will particularly highlight those types of PV Systems that perfectly integrate with Smart Home solutions, aiming to optimize your home’s energy efficiency and cost savings.

The core components of any type of residential solar energy system are PV Panels to generate electricity from sunlight, Inverters that convert DC current from PV Panels into AC current applicable for household use, and Meters to monitor the power generated and consumed by household appliances. However, whether you install your system through a professional installation company, or build it yourself by purchasing DIY components, there are differences that are essential to understand for each type of system.

1. Grid-Tied Solar PV Systems: The Foundation of Solar Energy

2. Off-Grid Solar PV Systems: Energy Independence in Remote Areas

3. Hybrid Solar PV Systems: Maximizing Efficiency and Reliability

4. Cutting-Edge Solar PV Systems: Optimizing Smart Energy Solutions

1. Grid-Tied Solar PV Systems: The Foundation of Solar Energy

Grid-tied solar PV systems, also known as grid-connected systems, are the most common and foundational type of residential solar setup. These systems are directly connected to the local electricity grid, allowing homeowners to generate their own electricity while remaining connected to the utility company’s power supply. The main components of a grid-tied system include solar panels, an inverter to convert DC power from the panels to AC power for household use, and a meter that tracks energy production and consumption. One of the key advantages of grid-tied systems is their ability to feed excess electricity back into the grid, earning homeowners credits or payments through net metering programs. During sunny periods when the solar panels produce more electricity than is being used, the surplus is sent to the grid, essentially spinning the meter backward. This surplus can then be drawn from when the panels are not producing, such as during the nighttime.

Grid-tied solar PV systems, also known as grid-connected systems, are the most common and foundational type of residential solar setup. These systems are directly connected to the local electricity grid, allowing homeowners to generate their own electricity while remaining connected to the utility company’s power supply. The main components of a grid-tied system include solar panels, an inverter to convert DC power from the panels to AC power for household use, and a meter that tracks energy production and consumption.

Grid-Tie solar system
Fig. 1. Grid-Tie solar system PV System.
One of the key advantages of grid-tied systems is their ability to feed excess electricity back into the grid, earning homeowners credits or payments through net metering programs. During sunny periods when the solar panels produce more electricity than is being used, the surplus is sent to the grid, essentially spinning the meter backward. This surplus can then be drawn from when the panels are not producing, such as during the nighttime.
Grid-Tie solar system
Fig. 1. Grid-Tie solar system PV System.
To determine the appropriate size for your home’s Grid-Tied Solar PV System, you’ll need to gather the following information: the energy consumption during daylight hours as calculated from your energy bill, the altitude and azimuth of your home’s location from Google Maps, the peak sun hours (PSH) for your area available from this website, your roof’s tilt angle, and the available roof space. To calculate the Solar PV System Size in kilowatt-hours (kWh), use the following formula:           Solar PV System Size, kWh = Daytime Energy Consumption / (% Roof Performance x PSH) To estimate the % Roof Performance, apply the following formula:           % Roof Performance = 100% – (Your Altitude – Roof’s Tilt) / 3 + (Your Azimuth – 180) / 6
With the determined Solar PV System size and the available roof space, you can proceed to compute the number of PV Panels needed, considering their Power Output and Dimensions. Refer to our compilation of advanced PV Panels and their respective manufacturers.

2. Off-Grid Solar PV Systems: Energy Independence in Remote Areas

Off-grid solar PV systems, as the name suggests, operate independently of the local electricity grid. These systems are designed for remote areas or locations where connecting to the grid is impractical or prohibitively expensive. Off-grid systems incorporate batteries and charge controllers to store excess energy generated during the day, which can then be used during the night or on cloudy days. The design of off-grid systems requires careful consideration of energy consumption patterns and battery storage capacity. Homeowners must strike a balance between generating sufficient energy and managing their usage to avoid depleting the stored energy reserves. Off-grid systems promote energy independence but may require a higher upfront investment due to the need for batteries and more sophisticated energy management systems.

Off-grid solar PV systems, as the name suggests, operate independently of the local electricity grid. These systems are designed for remote areas or locations where connecting to the grid is impractical or prohibitively expensive. Off-grid systems incorporate batteries to store excess energy generated during the day, which can then be used during the night or on cloudy days.
Off-Grid Solar System
Fig.2. Off-Grid Solar PV System.
The design of off-grid systems requires careful consideration of energy consumption patterns and battery storage capacity. Homeowners must strike a balance between generating sufficient energy and managing their usage to avoid depleting the stored energy reserves. Off-grid systems promote energy independence but may require a higher upfront investment due to the need for batteries and more sophisticated energy management systems.
Off-Grid Solar System

Fig.2. Off-Grid Solar PV System.

To evaluate the cost of an Off-Grid Solar PV System you have to determine the energy consumed on the property in 24 hours (Total Load), which will be required to be generated by an Off-Grid Solar PV system during peak sun hours (PSH), and the size of the Battery Bank, which has to be sufficient enough to supply energy to your home during the Days of Autonomy, when to solar energy is not available. 

To calculate the Off-Grid Solar PV System Size in kilowatt-hours (kWh), use the following formula:

          Solar PV System Size, kWh = Total Load / (% Eff x PSH),

where %Eff is the total efficiency of the Solar PV System, and the Total Load can be estimated using the Off-Grid Solar System Sizing Calculator.

To estimate the size of the Battery Storage, apply the following formula:

          Battery Bank Size = (Total Load x Days of Autonomy) / Maximum DoD,

where DoD is the Depth of Discharge, the percentage of the battery that can be discharged without damaging it.

In the next steps, you will select a Charge Controller with a capacity enough to guarantee the longevity of the Battery Bank, the Inverter with a size exceeding the size of the Solar PV system size, and compute the number of PV Panels, considering their Power Output and Dimensions. Refer to our compilation of advanced PV Panels and their respective manufacturers.

3. Hybrid Solar PV Systems: Maximizing Efficiency and Reliability

Hybrid solar PV systems combine the best of both worlds by integrating elements of both grid-tied and off-grid setups. These systems are grid-connected but also include battery storage to store excess energy for later use. The batteries in hybrid systems serve multiple purposes: they provide backup power during grid outages, allow for energy shifting to optimize electricity costs, and enable greater self-consumption of solar energy.
Hybrid Solar PV System
Fig.3. Hybrid Solar PV System.
Hybrid systems are designed to enhance reliability and maximize self-sufficiency. During power outages, essential appliances can continue to run on the stored energy, offering a degree of resilience. Furthermore, homeowners can take advantage of lower electricity rates by storing energy when it’s cheaper and using it during peak demand times when rates are higher.
Hybrid Solar PV System
Fig.3. Hybrid Solar PV System.

Other Solar PV Systems are taking into consideration aesthetics, and financial and space limitations. Most widely used are Community Solar PV Systems for individuals who want to benefit from solar energy but lack suitable roof space or live in rented properties, BIPV (Building-Integrated Photovoltaics) that integrates solar panels directly into a building’s architecture and offers a seamless aesthetic, and Solar Lease and Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) as solutions to make solar energy accessible to a wider audience, especially those who may be deterred by the upfront costs of purchasing a solar system.

4. Cutting-Edge Solar PV Systems: Optimizing Smart Energy Solutions

The cutting-edge Solar PV Systems take advantage of the state-of-the-art Hybrid Inverters incorporating charge controllers, batteries, and inverters into a single, innovative solution. These systems find application in Off-Grid and Hybrid Solar PV setups and can be seamlessly integrated with Smart Home Solutions. This ensures the uninterrupted operation of smart home devices during power outages and effectively optimizes the power consumption from both PV panels and the battery bank.
The core element of an Off-Grid and Hybrid Solar PV is the battery bank. For a Hybrid Solar PV System It is crucial to consider three key factors for evaluating a solar battery with an inverter:
The cutting-edge Solar PV Systems take advantage of the state-of-the-art Hybrid Inverters incorporating charge controllers, batteries, and inverters into a single, innovative solution. These systems find application in Off-Grid and Hybrid Solar PV setups and can be seamlessly integrated with Smart Home Solutions. This ensures the uninterrupted operation of smart home devices during power outages and effectively optimizes the power consumption from both PV panels and the battery bank.
Hybrid Solar PV System
Fig. 4. The cutting-edge Hybrid Solar PV System.
The core element of an Off-Grid and Hybrid Solar PV is the battery bank. For a Hybrid Solar PV System It is crucial to consider three key factors for evaluating a solar battery with an inverter:
Hybrid Solar PV System
Fig. 4. The cutting-edge Hybrid Solar PV System.
  1. Battery Capacity: Getting the right storage capacity for your battery or batteries is of utmost importance. Oversizing your system leads to unnecessary expenses for backup power. Conversely, undersizing means you’ll have a limited power supply for either your entire home or specific appliances during an outage.
  2. Power Output: The continuous and peak power ratings of batteries determine the number of electronic devices and appliances you can operate simultaneously using battery power. Opting for a rating that’s too low might fail to meet your energy needs and could potentially harm the battery system.
  3. Islanding Inverter: An islanding inverter allows you to completely disconnect your photovoltaic (PV) system from the grid, enabling your panels to recharge the batteries even during an outage. This capability extends your off-grid duration significantly, maximizing the utility of your battery’s capacity.

Top Manufacturers for Best Solar Batteries and complete Solar PV System solutions

Brand Model Per Battery Capacity DoD Price Per kWh
Tesla TESLA POWERWALL + 13.5 kWh 100% $851
Panasonic PANASONIC EVERVOLT 17.5 kWh 100% $857
SunPower SUNPOWER SUNVAULT 13–52 kWh N/A $923
Generac GENERAC PWRCELL 9–18 kWh 84% $1,100
LG LG CHEM RESU 10-HR 10.5 kWh 95% $1,020

Top Manufacturers for Best Solar Batteries and complete Solar PV System solutions

Brand Tesla: Best Performance  Panasonic: Outstanding Value  SunPower: Best Availability  Generac: Most Efficient  LG: Best Customization Options 
Per Battery Capacity 13.5 kWh 17.5 kWh 13–52 kWh 9–18 kWh 10.5 kWh
Total Capacity Possible in Series 135 kWh 102 kWh 52 kWh 36 kWh 19.6 kWh
Price Per Battery $11,500 $15,000 $12,000 $10,000 $10,000
Price Per kWh $851 $857 $923 $1,100 $1,020
Continuous Power Output 5.0 kWh 9.6 kWh 6.8 kWh 8.0 kWh 5.0 kWh
Peak Power Output 7.0 kWh 12.0 kWh 10.0 kWh 10.0 kWh 7.0 kWh
Depth of Discharge (% Usable Capacity) 100% 100% N/A 84% 95%
Round-Trip Efficiency 90% 90% 85% 96.50% 94.50%
Warranty Length 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years
Efficiency Remaining At End of Warranty 70% 60% 70% 70% 60%
Lead Time Issues Yes No No No No
Available for DIY Installation No No No Yes No
Available Without Panels Yes Yes Yes No Yes

Selecting the appropriate residential solar PV system requires careful consideration of various factors, such as household energy consumption patterns, available roof space, budget, and long-term energy goals. Local regulations, incentives, and solar resource availability should be also taken into account. The choices are abundant – from grid-tied systems that offer financial incentives to off-grid solutions providing energy independence, and from hybrid systems that ensure reliability to the community and BIPV setups that promote accessibility and aesthetics.

Furthermore, the integration of Off-Grid and Hybrid Solar PV setups with Smart Home Solutions can seamlessly guarantee the continuous operation of smart home devices during power interruptions. This integration effectively optimizes power consumption from both the PV panels and the battery storage system.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to get in touch with us by e-mail at